- Bee bread, pollen and propolis harvesting
- Bee feeding
- Bee health
- Bee products promotion
- Clothing
- Frame preparation
- Frames
- Hive tools and accessories
- Hives
- Honey extractors
- Honey processing
- Honey bottling
- Buckets, containers, jars (up to 2 liters)
- Honey settlers
- "CLASSIC plus" (folding handles)
- "CLASSIC plus" (with air-tight lid)
- Heated settlers and decrystallizators
- Plastic pail settlers
- Settlers series "CFM"
- Settlers series "MINIMA"
- Settlers series "OPTIMA" with filter and handles
- Settlers series "OPTIMA" with filter, without handles
- Settlers series "OPTIMA" with handles
- Settlers series "OPTIMA" without handles
- Settlers series "PREMIUM" with conical bottom
- Settlers series "Q"
- Settlers series "SL"
- Stands for settlers and decrystallizators
- Honeygate & drains
- Pails, buckets and containers (2 liters and more)
- Professional packing equipment
- Screwable jar lids
- Honey creamers
- Honey decrystallization
- Honey drying
- Honey straining
- Pumps
- Honey bottling
- Literature
- Melliferous plant seeds
- Miscellaneous auxiliary equipment
- Most popular
- Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding
- Royal jelly harvesting
- Swarm control
- Transportation and lifting
- Uncapping
- Wax candle making
- Wax melting

Honey tank “S”, air tight (50 kg / 35 L)
# 12377199.00 €
In stock
Made of high quality polished stainless steel 1.4301 III D.
Diameter: 31 cm,
Height: 50 cm,
Volume: 35 L / or 50 kg of honey.
The bottom is butt-welded without internal edges, so the tank is more easy to clean. It is suitable for bottling the honey directly into jars. The stainless steel honey gate cuts the honey off very nicely. The tank has two ergonomically designed handles which enable easy transfer. A silicone seal in the lid and four clamps enable airtight sealing. Since honey is highly hygroscopic, airtight sealing is recommended for longer storage.
Country of origin – Slovenia.
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